the hp STANDARD (publication)
From the 1980's to 2000's
the hp STANDARD or the Standard
was Hewlett Packard's Precision Frequency and Time Newsletter,
a highly informative self-publicshed publication
for anyone involved with atomic clocks, precise time & frequency,
world-wide timekeeping, BIPM, and UTC.
They contain detailed and otherwise unpublished information on hp 5060, 5061A, 5061B, 5071A atomic clocks.
Each issue was 4 to 10 pages.
I currently have 9 issues covering 11 years and I'm looking for the missing issues.
High-resolution PDF will follow when I complete the collection.
Below are images of the covers.
If you have hardcopy of missing or unknown issues please contact me.
The hp STANDARD, October 1983
The hp STANDARD, March 1984
The hp STANDARD, September 1984
The hp STANDARD, February 1985
The hp STANDARD, July 1985
The hp STANDARD, May 1986
The hp STANDARD, June 1987
The Standard, September 1991
The Standard, February 1992
The Standard, October 1992
The Standard, January 1994
The Standard, November 2000
If you have hardcopy of missing or unknown issues please contact me.
Do you have comments/questions?