From: "Tom Van Baak" To: "John Ackermann N8UR" Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2001 11:39 Subject: Re: Sulzer 2.5 Circuit Diagrams > Any interest on following up with this? It's pretty trivial for me to set > it up at, but I'd be interested in having one no matter where it's > hosted. > > John Yes, I think it's still a good idea. I'm not so sure I want to host it from I wasn't entirely happy with the interface my ISP offered. A week ago I set up Time-Nuts and Cesium-Nuts at just to try the feature out. It wasn't too bad. A little slow at times. But workable. I had hits within a day from people who stumbled on the name and wanted to join. See for example: I think if you want to go ahead with Time-Nuts on febo that would be the way to go. I bet we could get dozens of people to join in a matter of days. I have a couple of concerns. One is the "charter"; it would be nice if the signal/noise ratio of postings was high. If the list starts attracting people looking for accurate wrist watches or guys needing help setting up NTP we're in trouble. But it should be open enough and very inviting to anyone who's got the precise time bug. Another is the trade-off between making it public (so people using search engines will find the list easily) and being spam-bait. Lastly, how will this come across to tac-gps? I do not want to siphon off that list. It's a low volume list but very high quality. So I wouldn't in any way want to affect that. Any thoughts? /tvb