:: Museum
Stanford Research PRS10 Rubidium Frequency Standard
Data Files
[2004-11-22 17:59:16] 5,196,211 log16042.txt 420273 seconds (= 4.8 days = 116 hours)
[2004-11-26 01:03:58] 3,095,144 log16078.txt 238088 seconds (= 2.7 days =
66 hours)
Stability from Tau 0.1s to Tau 100k
Stable32 Plots, 5 Days
Raw phase |
Phase residuals (phase offset, frequency offset
removed) |
Raw frequency, 1 second samples, ±10e-11 full-scale |
Frequency, 10s averages, ±2e-11 full-scale |
Frequency, 100s averages, ±1e-11 full-scale |
Frequency, 1000s averages, ±5e-12 full-scale |
Stability, 1s data, octave tau |
Stability, 1s data, decade tau |
Stability, 1s data, many tau |
Note the following graph from the SRS website:
PRS10 Stability, SRS spec |
Frequency, Power Spectrum |
Stable32 Plots, 1 hour
Phase residuals (phase offset, frequency offset
removed) |
Stable32 Plots, 1 minute
Phase residuals (phase offset, frequency offset
removed) |
Stability of 4 rubidium frequency standards:

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