DUART Boot: %s : PC = %#8x, SR = %#04x , address = %#8x RESET to recover. bus error address error illegal instruction divide by zero CHK trap TRAPcc privilege violation trace line 1010 emulation line 1111 emulation hardware breakpoint co-processor protocol violation format error uninitialized interrupt ***RESERVED*** spurious interrupt level 1 interrupt level 2 interrupt level 3 interrupt level 4 interrupt level 5 interrupt level 6 interrupt level 7 interrupt (NMI) trap 00 trap 01 trap 02 trap 03 trap 04 trap 05 trap 06 trap 07 trap 08 trap 09 trap 10 trap 11 trap 12 trap 13 trap 14 trap 15 FPCP branch or set error FPCP inexact result FPCP divide by zero FPCP underflow FPCP operand error FPCP overflow FPCP signaling NAN PMMU configuration PMMU illegal operation PMMU access violation Oooh! That tickles. I don't know that vector. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993. All Rights Reserved. fp unknown exception: fp all precision lost: fp inexact result: fp divide by zero: fp underflow: fp overflow: fp operand error: fp signaling NaN: ????? ftoi() ftod() dtof() dtoi() cmp32() cmp64() add32() add64() sub32() sub64() mul32() mul64() div32() div64() itof() dtoui() ftoui() uitod() uitof() ????? acos() acosf() asin() asinf() atan() atanf() atan2()atan2f() ceil() ceilf() cos() cosf() cosh() coshf() exp() expf() fabs() fabsf() floor()floorf() fmod() fmodf() frexp()frexpf() ldexp()ldexpf() log() logf() log10()log10f() modf() modff() pow() powf() sin() sinf() sinh() sinhf() sqrt() sqrtf() tan() tanf() tanh() tanhf() frem() fremf() ????? Prog end, returned @(#)$Header: psos.S,v 1.4 95/01/11 15:27:21 jacob Exp $ @(#)$Header: psos_indep.h,v 1.5 95/03/24 15:24:19 jacob Exp $ ..PSOS-6803 V4.1 COPYRIGHT 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS GROUP, INC. A sysd ROOTB IDLEB wait_v SIG_SOQ error in _drtb_puts wait_v SIG_SIQ error in getc drtR Unable to create drtR: %X Unable to initialize drtR: %X drtW Unable to create drtW: %X Unable to initialize drtW: %X DUARTB isr signaling SIGINTR DUARTB isr signaling SIG_SIQ DUARTB isr signaling SIG_SOQ spoo Spool_go error %#04x , %08X No error Command error Invalid character Syntax error Invalid separator Data type error GET not allowed Parameter not allowed Missing parameter Command header error Header separator error Program mnemonic too long Undefined header Header suffix out of range Numeric data error Invalid character in number Exponent too large Too many digits Numeric data not allowed Suffix error Invalid suffix Suffix too long Suffix not allowed Character data error Invalid character data Character data too long Character data not allowed String data error Invalid string data String data not allowed Block data error Invalid block data Block data not allowed Expression error Invalid expression Expression data not allowed Macro error Invalid outside macro definition Invalid inside macro definition Macro parameter error Execution error Invalid while in local Settings lost due to rtl Trigger error Trigger ignored Arm ignored Init ignored Trigger deadlock Arm deadlock Parameter error Settings conflict Data out of range Too much data Illegal parameter value Data corrupt or stale Data questionable Hardware error Hardware missing Mass storage error Missing mass storage Missing media Corrupt media Media full Directory full File name not found File name error Media protected Math error in expression Macro syntax error Macro execution error Illegal macro label Macro definition too long Macro recursion error Macro redefinition not allowed Macro header not found Program error Cannot create program Illegal program name Illegal variable name Program currently running Program syntax error Program runtime error Device-specific error System error Memory error PUD memory error Calibration memory lost Save/recall memory lost Configuration memory lost Out of memory Self-test failed Queue overflow Query error Query INTERRUPTED Query UNTERMINATED Query DEADLOCKED Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response E%+04d> scpi > scpi scpi: alloc_seg error %#0x scpi: error opening stream No error Communication error Parity error in program message Framing error in program message Input buffer overrun HEWLETT-PACKARD,%s,%s,%s-%c PRIMARY INSTALL 58000A Unknown $@(#)$Header: dev_tab.S,v 1.8 95/01/11 15:27:20 jacob Exp $ IDN CLS LANG UAGE ERR SYST TEST ERAS DOWN LOAD DIAG NOSTIC MIN IMUM MAX IMUM !$'+.158;?BEILO 00000000000000000000 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789abcdef Clk_do: error %#04x Clk_do: out of event buffers Sem_open of clk_msg failed No clock entries at: %02d/%02d/%04d %2d:%2d:%2d period: %02d/%02d/%04d %2d:%2d:%2d function address: %8X event class: %d klok Pps_init error %#04x Clk_go error %#04x %s: %s : PC = %#8x, SR = %#04x , address = %#8x RESET to recover. bus error address error illegal instruction divide by zero CHK trap TRAPcc privilege violation trace line 1010 emulation line 1111 emulation hardware breakpoint co-processor protocol violation format error uninitialized interrupt ***RESERVED*** spurious interrupt level 1 interrupt level 2 interrupt level 3 interrupt level 4 interrupt level 5 interrupt level 6 interrupt level 7 interrupt (NMI) trap 00 trap 01 trap 02 trap 03 trap 04 trap 05 trap 06 trap 07 trap 08 trap 09 trap 10 trap 11 trap 12 trap 13 trap 14 trap 15 FPCP branch or set error FPCP inexact result FPCP divide by zero FPCP underflow FPCP operand error FPCP overflow FPCP signaling NAN PMMU configuration PMMU illegal operation PMMU access violation Oooh! That tickles. I don't know that vector. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Co. 1993. All Rights Reserved. ps mem_rep s_rep gpsx plla pllc gpsm hmon pllp curv User: %5u of %5u b Supv: %5u of %5u b T1#H%08X%01d%01d%1c%1c%1c %02X rtcm? %u,T2%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%01d%01d%1c%1c%1c T2%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%01d%01d%1c%1c%1c fp unknown exception: fp all precision lost: fp inexact result: fp divide by zero: fp underflow: fp overflow: fp operand error: fp signaling NaN: ????? ftoi() ftod() dtof() dtoi() cmp32() cmp64() add32() add64() sub32() sub64() mul32() mul64() div32() div64() itof() dtoui() ftoui() uitod() uitof() ????? acos() acosf() asin() asinf() atan() atanf() atan2()atan2f() ceil() ceilf() cos() cosf() cosh() coshf() exp() expf() fabs() fabsf() floor()floorf() fmod() fmodf() frexp()frexpf() ldexp()ldexpf() log() logf() log10()log10f() modf() modff() pow() powf() sin() sinf() sinh() sinhf() sqrt() sqrtf() tan() tanf() tanh() tanhf() frem() fremf() ????? Prog end, returned @(#)$Header: psos.S,v 1.4 95/01/11 15:27:21 jacob Exp $ @(#)$Header: psos_indep.h,v 1.5 95/03/24 15:24:19 jacob Exp $ ..PSOS-6803 V4.1 COPYRIGHT 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 SOFTWARE COMPONENTS GROUP, INC. A sysd ROOTB IDLEB Interpolator: A, MRC mode Internal reference: %s %s System RAM: D15-D0: System RAM: adr line A18-A1: CPU: EEPROM: QSPI: ADC QSPI: Hex DAC QSPI: FPGA QSPI: EFC FPGA: counters not preset UART: register read/write UART: counter UART: channel A data UART: channel A timeout UART: channel B data UART: channel B timeout GPS: Channel 1 Correlation GPS: Channel 2 Correlation GPS: Channel 3 Correlation GPS: Channel 4 Correlation GPS: Channel 5 Correlation GPS: Channel 6 Correlation GPS: 1 KHz Presence GPS: ROM LSByte GPS: ROM MSByte GPS: RAM LSByte GPS: RAM MSByte GPS: EEPROM GPS: DCXO SPI Comm GPS: RTC Comm & Time GPS: SW problem GPS: Engine timeout POWER: 5V POWER: 15V POWER: -15V %s %s FAIL %s UDISP PROC RAM EEPROM UART QSPI FPGA INTERP INT_REF GPS POWER FAIL: %s, error code: %02X !iodev pForth $Revision: 1.2 $ ERROR: " " is only valid inside a definition. ?Stack empty : not found ERROR: Mismatched "do" or "?do" "loop" or "+loop" "if" "else" "then" or "endif" "begin" "while" "repeat" "again" "until" (divide by zero ( empty ) is fenced pSOS error from function pSOS version ID: I/O error Device: Function: over abs max min negate here fill pick rot -rot allot 2dup 2swap abort halt false true and not xor ?dup cmove cmove> 2drop drop swap dup depth else then endif begin while repeat again until ?do loop +loop leave variable create constant literal mod /mod */mod sin cos emit space spaces (.") u.x decimal hex base state ['] forget words startup interpret expect type word count tib pad does recurse immediate fence unfence number execute watch root my_pid spawn ver delete suspend resume priority jam_x create_x delete_x send_x request_x signal_v wait_v get_v pause mode ident dev_init dev_open dev_close dev_read dev_write dev_ctrl !iodev user p4th Temperature: %f 5V reading: %f +15V reading: %f -15V reading: %f Oven: %f Double oven: %f Antenna current: %f Temperature: %.2f 5V: %.2f +15V: %.2f -15V: %.2f Oven: %.2f Double oven: %.2f Oven current: %.2f No holdover cause Holdover due to hardware failure Holdover due to manual Holdover due to GPS Holdover due to TI error Holdover due to TI limit exceeded Holdover due to temporary mode Holdover due to 1PPS selection start ptr = %d stop_ptr = %d max loop time = %d ffom = %1d tfom = %.1e secs last efc average = %.1f current drift = %.1e / day %f %.1f %d %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d, %1d, valid: %1d set_timedate error: %2X efc = %5f Gen GPS state: start init ack UTC corr send UTC corr ack mask angle send mask angle ack antenna delay send antenna delay ack pos location send pos location ack disable pos hold send disable pos hold ack sat ignore send sat ignore ack survey set_survey location send set_survey location ack done unknown %s Leap chk state: leap start leap pending send leap pending ack leap wait : fine start : fine sync meas : fine sync 1 : fine sync 2 : fine meas 1 : fine meas delay : fine meas 2 : fine slew : fine slew meas : fine fine slew : fine unknown PLL state: invalid powerup : start : internal oven warmup : external oven warmup : warmed up, waiting for GPS : coarse : fine : waiting : calculating leapseconds : unknown powerup recovery holdover holdover recovery : checking time startup pll normal pll diag : reset send : gps reset ack : test send : gps test ack : stop meas : test idle fatal error Log test message %d curr= %d efc= %.1f, sec remaining= %d now do a least square line fit to data... tempco = %f Force crash from pforth %.1f * %.1f = %.1f cal adc_read adc_temp adc_5v adc_p15v adc_m15v adc_oven adc_doven adc_ant_curr pr_adc_avg efc_write hdac_write hdac_all doven dmessage dmes_gpsm dmes_hmon dmes_klok dmes_pllp dmes_root dmes_scpi dmes_spoo dmes_curv dmes_all wr_eeprom clear_nv debug_psos clk_synch get_time set_time abr_stat print_stat stat_rate vis_stat_rate print_vis ext_msg_rate dop_stat_rate print_ext_msg print_bc gps_time gps_date gps_php gps_ph gps_cable_dly force_1pps efc_wr pr_efc pll_restart pll_debug lock phase_off pr_pll log_send print_clk_list crash leapsec eman q_eman q_gps_php q_gps_cable_dly avg clr_avg init_gps gps_query_all quiet_status master_reset pr_gps_debug clr_gps_debug pr_gps_cmds pr_avg pr_gps_istate pr_gps_id pr_1pps pr_time_raim disable_gps_cmds pstat gps_change gps_query pr_hold_cause loop_time pll_rep efc_rep sync_imm es_ascii Dfp_u wait_v SIG_SOQ error in _drtb_puts wait_v SIG_SIQ error in getc DRTB receiver error drtR Unable to create drtR: %X Unable to initialize drtR: %X drtW Unable to create drtW: %X Unable to initialize drtW: %X wait_v SIG_SOQA error in drta_send_message DRTA receiver overrun ocurred wait_v SIG_SIQ error in drta_get_byte DUART test string DUARTA isr signaling SIG_SIQ DUARTB isr signaling SIGINTR DUARTB isr signaling SIG_SIQ DUARTB isr signaling SIG_SOQ DUART , %08X dmessage %s: %s %s: %s FATAL ERROR: %s RESET to recover. SPI isr signaling SPI owner wait_v SIG_QSPI SPI: mode failure SPI: halted spoo Spool_go error %#04x %s setup fpga ERROR: FPGA done line went high early ERROR: FPGA programming failed FPGA programmed ERROR: FPGA INIT did not go high ERROR: FPGA INIT did not go low first: inv read: %02hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX first: inv read: %04hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX first: config_ptr: %08X mask_ptr: %08X odd: inv read: %04hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX odd: inv read: %02hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX odd: config_ptr: %08X mask_ptr: %08X even: inv read: %02hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX even: inv read: %04hX config: %02hX mask: %02hX even: config_ptr: %08X mask_ptr: %08X chip: %1d frame: %d chip %1d failed compare 5V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f 5V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f 5V is now within tolerance Secondary oven voltage is out of tolerance, value: %.2f Secondary oven voltage is out of tolerance, value: %.2f Secondary oven voltage is now within tolerance 15V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f 15V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f 15V is now within tolerance -15V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f -15V is out of tolerance, value: %.2f -15V is now within tolerance EFC near end of range watchdog: clock: %4d gps: %4d pll: %4d mon: %4d spool %4d Exception: %s, vector %04X, PC = %08X, SR = %04X, addr = %08X Exception: %s, vector %04X, PC = %08X, SR = %04X Watchdog timeout: clk %1d gps %4d mon %4d pll %1d spl %1d GPS 1pps signal is dead short gate, count %d GPS 1pps signal frequency is incorrect long gate, count %d GPS 1pps signal is ok Internal 1pps signal is dead count %d Internal 1pps signal is ok !"#$%&' ()*+,-./01 23456789:; <=>?@ABCDE FGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXY Z[\]^_`abc !"#$%&'()0123456789@ABCDEFGHIPQRSTUVWXY`abcdefghipqrstuvwxy 00010203040506070809101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899"o ON OFF No error Command error Invalid character Syntax error Invalid separator Data type error GET not allowed Parameter not allowed Missing parameter Command header error Header separator error Program mnemonic too long Undefined header Header suffix out of range Numeric data error Invalid character in number Exponent too large Too many digits Numeric data not allowed Suffix error Invalid suffix Suffix too long Suffix not allowed Character data error Invalid character data Character data too long Character data not allowed String data error Invalid string data String data not allowed Block data error Invalid block data Block data not allowed Expression error Invalid expression Expression data not allowed Macro error Invalid outside macro definition Invalid inside macro definition Macro parameter error Execution error Invalid while in local Settings lost due to rtl Trigger error Trigger ignored Arm ignored Init ignored Trigger deadlock Arm deadlock Parameter error Settings conflict Data out of range Too much data Illegal parameter value Data corrupt or stale Data questionable Hardware error Hardware missing Mass storage error Missing mass storage Missing media Corrupt media Media full Directory full File name not found File name error Media protected Math error in expression Macro syntax error Macro execution error Illegal macro label Macro definition too long Macro recursion error Macro redefinition not allowed Macro header not found Program error Cannot create program Illegal program name Illegal variable name Program currently running Program syntax error Program runtime error Device-specific error System error Memory error PUD memory error Calibration memory lost Save/recall memory lost Configuration memory lost Out of memory Self-test failed Queue overflow Query error Query INTERRUPTED Query UNTERMINATED Query DEADLOCKED Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response E%+04d> scpi > scpi scpi: alloc_seg error %#0x scpi: error opening stream HEWLETT-PACKARD,%s,%s,%s-%c Log status: Full Log status: Error Log status: Empty Log status: One entry Log status: %-3d entries %s %s: %s diag entry %d No error Parameter not allowed Missing parameter Undefined header Invalid suffix Invalid string data Execution error Parameter error Settings conflict Data out of range Too much data Illegal parameter value Data corrupt or stale Hardware missing Device-specific error System error Memory error Configuration memory lost Self-test failed Communication error Parity error in program message Framing error in program message Input buffer overrun TST #H%08X TSTAMP XNON: :XNON: XNONE: :XNONE: PFORTH INSTALL PRIMARY Error in deleting old lifetime event eepx Unable to create eepx: %X Unable to initialize eepx: %X Unable to acquire eepx token: %X eepx semaphore has been corrupted Unable to release eepx token: %X eepx semaphore count is < 0 eepx_close and not owner First satellite tracked at H%08X Log cleared logr Log %03d:H%08X Unused Log %03d:H00000000 Power on Re-boot Survey mode started Position hold mode started EXT lock started GPS lock started Holdover started, manual Holdover started, not tracking GPS Holdover started, GPS RAIM alarm Holdover started, GPS alarm Holdover started, GPS Holdover started, invalid GPS 1PPS Holdover started, EXT Holdover started, invalid EXT 1PPS Holdover started, HW error Holdover started, TI error Holdover started, TI limit exceeded Holdover started, temporary Holdover started, selecting 1PPS Holdover started Output specifications exceeded Hardware failure Self-test failed EEPROM save failed Clk_do: out of event buffers System preset Value too large, set to max limit Value too small, set to min limit Warning: Entire nv register is being used Z3801A Log cleared Log %03d:%04d%02d%02d.%02d:%02d:%02d Unused Log %03d:00000000.00:00:00 #2 #2 $v 2;# 2;# First-time interp test. old_addr, fconf_regs[1] = %x %x Gate failure Result uncomputable Measurement aborted Interpolator calibration failure e_avg= %.1f time= %f weight= %d log= %.2f tfom= %.1e e_avg= %.1f time= %f weight= %d log= %.2f tfom= %.1e pts= %d a= %.1f b= %.1f c= %.1f rms= %.1f HQ= %.1e mode= %d failed line fit pll_scpi: toggle_change() -- new value > max value pll_scpi: validate_num() -- too many in multiple pll_scpi: validate_num() -- multiple cmd/desc disagree pll_scpi: validate_or_doaction() -- unknown structure type pll_scpi: validate_or_doaction() -- setup index > max index pll_scpi: finish_scpi_cmd() -- unknown structure type pll_scpi: get_setup_vars() -- unknown structure type sample action 1 sample action 2 sample action 3 holdover - Error with measurement %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d efc= %d ti= %.1f hold= 0 curr= %.2f holdover recovery - Error with measurement %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d TI result: %.1fns startup_pll - Error with measurement %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d efc= %d ti= %.1f loop= %d curr= %.2f pll_normal - Error with measurement Peforming sync coarse - Error with measurement 1 d = %f, efc = %d coarse - Error with measurement 2 fine-sync - Error with measurement i= %d, ti= %.1f, y0= %.2e, x0= %.2e fine - Error with measurement 1 Bad TI in frequency measurement fine - ti too far off fine - frequency too far off y0 = %f, efc = %d fine - Error with measurement 2 fine-slew - Error with measurement Error in deleting old leapsecond event Error in creating leapsecond event gps init ack failure: %02X utc corr ack failure: %02X mask angle ack failure: %02X ant delay ack failure: %02X sat ign ack failure: %02X pos location ack failure: %02X disable pos hold ack failure: %02X set survey location ack failure: %02X leap pending ack failure: %02X Error in leapsecond ack Error in DIAG GPS RST ack Error in DIAG GPS TST ack PLL powerup Went into powerup recovery Went into holdover Went into holdover recovery Went into PLL startup Went into PLL normal Went into Diag Went into Idle Went into fatal error GPS command completed GPS acknowledgment timed out --- Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat pnum Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Locked to Recovery Holdover Power-up Self Test Int Pwr Oven Pwr OCXO EFC GPS Rcv %c%4d:%02d:%06.3f 0:00:00.000 %c%4d:%02d:%06.7f %02d:%02d:%04.1f [%s] xDOP TYPE: %1d VALID COMBOS: %1d BEST-4 or N-IN-VIEW: %1d xDOP VALUE SAT COMBO IDs %4.1f %2d GDOP: %6.1f PDOP: %6.1f HDOP: %6.1f VDOP: %6.1f TDOP: %6.1f MAG VAR: %4d VEL: n %5d e %5d u %5d AGE: %5d ECEF POSITION: x %11d y %11d z %11d URA PER CHANNEL: 1= %2d 2= %2d 3= %2d 4= %2d 5= %2d 6= %2d Least Squares Sym Matrix elements %2d %2d %2d %2d X %2d %2d %2d X X %2d %2d X X X %2d RECEIVER CLOCK BIAS: %6d RECEIVER OSC OFFSET: %5d --------------------- Time RAIM Status ---------------------- MODE %-3s Off Inactive Alarm Detected Alarm %17sAssessment: %-14s %31s# Alarms: %d (%d detected) Time Solution _____________________ 1PPS Pulse ____________ ** ALARM ** Unknown STATUS %-24s STATUS %s Detection/Isolation Detection Only Unavailable Always Off Always On When Tracking When Time RAIM OK RAIM MODE %-24s OUTPUT %s UTC GPS Epoch %d ns ALARM LIM %-24s TIME REF %s SIGMA EST %-24s SAWT ERR %+d ns Fractional Time Estimates ___________________________________ Ch PRN Time (ns) ---------------------- %d %2d%s %9d * tracking/used in time solution Time RAIM capability is not installed. Pseudorange Correction Status ________________ GPS TIME %8.1f / %s ---------------------------------------------- Ch PRN Range (m) Rate (m/s) Eph # %d %2d %9.2f %6.3f %3d Derived Statistics ___________________________ AVG %.2f m STD DEV %.2f m Disabled Enabled ------------------------- Instrument State Settings -------------------------- TIME %02d:%02d:%02d GMT CORR %c%02dh:%02dm%24s DATE %02d/%02d/%04d Air Handheld Land Marine Static POS HOLD %-8s%42sAPPL %s Best 4 satellites N-in-view Idle Pos Fix FIX ALG %-17s%33sOPER %s Hold Position _____________________________ Initial Position _______________ LAT %s = %+10d ms %s = %+10d ms LON %s = %+10d ms %s = %+10d ms %+8d cm GPS HGT %11s%24s%+8d cm MSL HGT %11s%24s%+8d cm Satellite Options _________________________ PRNs Ignored ___________________ %2d, (none ignored) ELEV MASK %-2d%33s%s Automatic Manual Highest-in-sky SELECTION %-14s%21s%s GDOP PDOP HDOP VDOP TDOP DOP TYPE %-4s DOP HYST %4.1f %s ION CORR %-8s DOP 3D/2D %4.1f %s Correction Factors and Thresholds _________ General Status _________________ (GPS time) None pending +1 pending -1 pending UTC CORR %-19s LEAP SEC %-12s 1PPS OFFS %9d ns POS FIX THR %3d CABLE DLY %6d ns DIF OUT THR %3d s AVG LAT %+3.6f = %s AVG LON %+3.6f = %s AVG HGT %+3.6f N %11d Averaging: ON Averaging: OFF Sats with bit 7: %2d Visible Sats: %2d PN Code ID Doppler Elevation Azimuth Health %2d %5d %2d %3d %02X TIME %2d:%02d:%02d.%09d DATE %2d/%02d/%04d LAT %s LON %s VIS SATS %d HGT (msl)%18.2f TRACK SATS %d HGT (gps)%18.2f RX STATUS %02X PDOP%23.1f HDOP%23.1f CHN SVID MODE SS STATUS %2d%10d%10d%10d %02X gs: %02d:%02d:%02d.%09d,%2d/%02d/%04d, %s,%4.2f gs: %d,%d,%02X, %s%2.1f gs: %02d,%1d,%03d,%02X, GPS Receiver Identification ----------------------------------------------------- Model Number: %s Serial Number: %s Manufacture Date: %s Installed Options: %s Hardware P/N: %s Software P/N: %s Software Version: %s Software Revision: %s Software Date: %s Copyright Notice: %s %2d %3d %2d %3d -- --- Ignore Not OK Acq Acq . Acq .. HGT %+9.2f m (MSL) %-15s%s %3d%c %02d%c 1000+ hr Invalid: GPS rcvr err Absent or freq error Invalid: not tracking Invalid: inacc position Invalid: Time RAIM error Assessing stability Assessing stability . Assessing stability .. Assessing stability ... Synchronized to UTC Synchronized to GPS Time %02d:%02d:%02d --:--:-- %02d %s %04d -- --- ---- LOCL GPS LOCAL %-9.9s%8s %3s %11s [?] ANT DLY %s Position ________________________ MODE Navigation Survey: 0 <0.1 >99.9 %5.1f % complete Hold no track data track <4 sats poor geometry %9sSuspended: %13.13s LAT %-8s %s LON TFOM %d%13sFFOM %2s relative to GPS rel to GPS rel GPS -- 1PPS TI %s Off HOLD THR %s Holdover Uncertainty ____________ : OCXO warm-up : GPS acquisition : coarse freq adj : coarse frequency adjustment : fine freq adj : fine frequency adjustment : phase alignment : leap second determination [TI %9.9s] %-18.18s%14s INIT AVG %c%c%c%c%c%c%c ------------------------------- Receiver Status ------------------------------- SYNCHRONIZATION ............................ ............... [ Outputs Invalid ] ................. [ Outputs Valid ] [ Outputs Valid/Reduced Accuracy ] %s SmartClock Mode ___________________________ Reference Outputs _______________ >> Ext : stabilizing frequency : manually initiated : GPS 1PPS CLK invalid : EXT 1PPS CLK invalid : 1PPS TI exceeds hold threshold : internal hardware problem %-46.46s /initial 24 hrs %43s Predict %s Holdover Duration: Present %43s %s %s ACQUISITION .......................................... .. [ GPS 1PPS CLK Valid ] [ GPS 1PPS CLK Invalid ] .. [ EXT 1PPS CLK Valid ] [ EXT 1PPS CLK Invalid ] _______________________ +1 leap second pending -1 leap second pending Satellite Status __________________________ Time _____%s Tracking: %d Not Tracking: %-2d%11s PRN El Az SS PRN El Az %-16.16s %-11.11s %-11.11s%3s 1PPS CLK GPS 1PPS %s %s %3.3s %6.6s %3.3s %3.3s %6.6s %3.3s %6.6s%3s%s *attempting to track ELEV MASK %2d deg%3s%-25.25s%2s Err %s: %-3s%s HEALTH MONITOR ...................................................... [ ERROR ] ... [ OK ] // command not supported // // query form not supported // SCPI1 PLL GPSc GPSs %-5s %02d %-2s %-2s [%s] %11s %8s %s GPS Receiver Command Log __________ [last %2d] Task ID Command Date and Time Issued --------------------------------------------- (no commands were issued since last read) (no GPS receiver errors were logged) ________ State: Task Idle _____ State: Send Command State: Wait for Response ________________ State: ? GPS Process Monitor _________________%s Process Messages Net: %+6d Rcvr Messages -------------------------------- ---------------- %-9s %5d %6s %5d%14s%-9s %5d Msgs Rcvd Errors Resp Read Msgs Sent Cmds Sent %-9s %5d %6s %5d%16s%-7s %5d Msgs Jam E Retry %48s%-7s %5d T Retry Execution Status: Response Errors: %-9s %5d Success %-9s %5d %-6s %5d%14s%-9s %5d Reject ? Cmd ? Resp Timeout ? Sndr Frame Busy No Cmd Cksum %-9s %5d %-6s %5d Abort No Qry Last Valid pSOS Msg: change/execute query setting ? action Sender: %-5s Cmd #: %-2d (%s) (none received) Last Rcvr Prgm Msg: (none issued) Response Buffer: %hx ** GPS receiver commands are blocked ** Fail __ OK GPS Receiver Health _____________________________________%s disabled standby query query-ack ? state Command Monitor %-9s %-7s %5d failures Fail recovery Status Monitor %-9s %-7s %5d failures %+.1f OPTIONS LIST %hx %s%s RUN RDY spwn mblk xblk vblk paus susp ?? fifo prio inf grp any yes none ================================================================= Free CPU cycles: count 0x%08X, approx %2d%% 0x%07x %4s %4s %4s %3s %d %4s 0x%08x %7d 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%04x $%08X %4s %6s %3d %2d %2s %5d %4dkB %2d%% %2d%% %2d >> RESOURCES: >> EVENTS: W(0x%04x) S(0x%04x) %d Process(s) (%d avail); Total time: %-d ticks. xid XNAME TYPE ACC maxQ Qlen BLOCKED %d Exchange(s) (%d avail). %d Msg buffer(s) (%d avail). pid PNAME STAT/M PRI GID POS TIX MEMORY STK CPU Region strt end min max pend USED cnt AVAIL cnt %1d 0x%08x 0x%08x %4d %8d %8d %4dkB %4d %4dkB %3d >> BLOCKED: %s %d(%d) Process Memseg size(bytes) next last neighbor key >> Free memory - region: %d **** no system stack found pid name USP size SSP size $%08X %4s $%08X $%-5X %3u%% $%08X $%-5X %3u%% $%08X (TOS) $%08X (TOS) >> pSOS system supervisor stack: pSOS $@(#)$Header: dev_tab.S,v 1.8 95/01/11 15:27:20 jacob Exp $ WAI STB SRE RST OPC IDN ESR ESE CLS RVST RTSA RMHO FMHO RSST RPHS RSPR IPSU RTCM REQU CEQU CALA RAST RSSU WAT3 RAT3 WAT2 RAT2 WAT1 RAT1 WEAL REAL WFOU RFOU WACD RACD W1PO R1PO WLOC RLOC WTZO RTZO RTAD RWHO TKN ROB KEN NETH GARY DOUG LAS DANA DARRAY3 DARR3 DARRAY2 DARR2 DARRAY1 DARR1 DARRAY DARR DOUB FARRAY3 FARR3 FARRAY2 FARR2 FARRAY1 FARR1 FARRAY FARR FLO IMUL TIPLE IARRAY4 IARR4 IARRAY3 IARR3 IARRAY2 IARR2 IARRAY1 IARR1 IARRAY IARR TARRAY3 TARR3 TARRAY2 TARR2 TARRAY1 TARR1 TARRAY TARR TOGG BARRAY2 BARR2 BARRAY1 BARR1 BARRAY BARR BOOL EAN ACT ION SAMP LENG PRIN LANG UAGE SBIT TYPE PAR ITY PACE BITS BAUD TRAN SMIT REC EIVE PROM FDUP LEX ADDR ESS COMM UNICATE PRES QUES TIONABLE ENAB COND ITION EVEN OPER ATION PRES ENT TUNC ERTAINTY AUTO REC OVERY INIT IATE HYST ERESIS EXC EEDED ALAR3 ALARM3 ALAR1 ALARM1 MEAS UREMENT STAR PER IOD CONT INUOUS PULS TZON STR ING TFOM ERIT TCOD PPS GPST IME CALC ULATE ACC UMULATED LEAP SECOND IMM EDIATE SYNC HRONIZATION FFOM ERIT PRED ICTED VIS IBLE INCL UDE TRAC KING SAT ELLITE VAL REF ERENCE PROG RESS DUR ATION ACT UAL INIT IAL EMAN GLE ADEL SOUR EDGE TSTAMP4 TST4 TSTAMP3 TST3 TSTAMP2 TST2 TSTAMP1 TST1 TSTAMP TST TST AMP POIN SAVE OVER FLOW SENS FREQ UENCY ALIG NMENT PINS PIN7 PIN2 PIN8 PIN3 PIN6 PIN1 OUTP TMHV ALID HOLD OVER GPSL OCK ENAB LED USER MIN MAJ ALAR ACT IVE LED DATA FORM TOFF SET RES ULT TEST TEMP ERATURE PST ARTUP DOUT PUT SYST HAPP ENING STAT SLOG EGR ESPONSE REST RICTED SERIAL2 SERIAL1 SERIAL SER TCO EFFICIENT ABS OLUTE REL ATIVE EFC ONTROL CURR ENT ROSC ILLATOR RESP ONSE QUER TINT ERVAL PTIM STAC PROC ESS MEM ORY WRIT READ LOG COUN LIF ETIME SER IAL MOD DEF AULT IDEN TIFICATION UTC DEGR EES MSEC ONDS THR ESHOLD STAT RAIM POS ITION GPS YSTEM DIAG NOSTIC XON ONE ODD EVEN NONE ERR LIM HARD WARE FALL ING RIS ING NEG ATIVE POS ITIVE SER2 SER1 FIRS OTH LOCK REC OVERING WAIT ING HOLD ING POW ERUP INT EGER ASC QMRC IMRC POW GPS IREF ERENCE INT ERPOLATOR FPGA QSPI UART EEPR RAM PROC ESSOR DISP LAY ALL LEAP DEL HOLD HPOS ITION IGN ORE MANG HEIG LONG ITUTDE DATE GCOR RECTION TIME CLE SET NTR ANSITION PTR ANSITION ONCE LONG ITUDE LAT ITUDE SURV LAST INF INITY MIN IMUM MAX IMUM ZHM GED 00000000000000000000 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789abcdef