Allan Deviation plots for an M12 GPS receiver



The M12 (Motorola M12+T or iLotus M12M) has a UTC-synchronized pulse output which can software configured to 1 Hz (1PPS) or 100 Hz. An interesting question is how the stability compares between the two modes.

The M12 has provision for a sawtooth correction (message @@Hn) which can be used by either hardware or software to reduce 1PPS jitter. The CNS-II clock implements hardware sawtooth correction. Another interesting question is how the stability compares between a normal and a sawtooth corrected 1PPS.

In this experiment 1,000 seconds of data was collected for each of three runs: 100 Hz, 1PPS raw, 1PPS sawtooth corrected. This is enough for stability computations out to about tau 100 seconds. The time interval counter was a Pendulum CNT-91 (50 ps resolution). The phase/frequency pulse reference was a Stanford Research SR625 rubidium.

Comparative Allan Deviations Plots

Both Allan deviation (ADEV) and Modified Allan deviation (MDEV) were computed for each data set. In each case the upper line is ADEV and the slightly lower line is MDEV (the increased averaging within MDEV always helps GPS-like signals). The unique color of each stability curve is maintained for all plots to aid in visual comparison.

The first three plots below show 100 Hz, 1PPS, and 1PPS with sawtooth correction.

100 Hz output (ADEV and MDEV)

1PPS output (ADEV and MDEV)

1PPS sawtooth corrected output (ADEV and MDEV)

The next three plots below show combinations of each pair of runs.

1PPS and 1PPS sawtooth corrected output (ADEV and MDEV)

100 Hz and 1PPS output (ADEV and MDEV)

100 Hz and 1PPS sawtooth corrected output (ADEV and MDEV)

And the final busy plot shows all runs together.

100 Hz and 1PPS and 1PPS sawtooth corrected output (ADEV and MDEV)

Phase Strip Plots - 1000 seconds

Below are three phase charts from the raw data at the same scale: 1000 seconds in duration and ± 50 ns in scale. The frequency offset was removed and the data normalized before plotting. Note these are not simutaneous runs and are not meant to line up with each other.

100 Hz output (9.6 ns sdev)

1PPS raw output (10.2 ns sdev)

1PPS sawtooth correction output (5.4 ns sdev)

Phase Strip Plots - 60 seconds

Below are three phase charts from the raw data at the same scale: Just one minute in duration and ± 25 ns in scale. The frequency offset was removed and the data normalized before plotting. Note these are not simutaneous runs and are not meant to line up with each other.

100 Hz output

1PPS raw output

1PPS sawtooth correction output


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