picDIV -- Single Chip Frequency Divider



There are many ways to divide frequency. If the frequency is 10 MHz and the desired frequency is 1 Hz, one needs to divide by 10 million. This is easily accomplished with a series of discrete decade counters. But a tiny microcontroller can perform the same function.

picDIV™ is a PIC-based digital frequency divider that functions like a series of synchronous decade counters. As seen here, a "PIC" is a ubiquitous, tiny, inexpensive, 8-bit microcontroller. A simple software program "spins" and every 5 million clock cycles the CPU toggles the output pin. Thus a 10 MHz input clock signal becomes a 1 Hz square wave output.

Output accuracy is equal to input accuracy. Jitter is extremely low since the PIC is a synchronous device. Recent measurement suggest it is less than 2 ps.


A picDIV chip could not be simpler to use. Besides +5 VDC power (pin 1) and ground (pin 8) there are only two pins!

pin 2 -- The 10 MHz clock drives the PIC (it runs isochronous code). A CMOS-compatible square wave is ideal but the PIC clock input is rather forgiving. For example, if the level and amplitude is appropriate even a 10 MHz sinewave will work.

pin 7 -- The 1 Hz square wave output.


When a programmable synchronous microcontroller is clocked from an accurate frequency reference, many interesting, practical, one-chip solutions come to mind. The initial 10 MHz to 1 Hz divider evolved into dozens of useful devices.

Powers of ten dividers

Note: there is no requirement to always drive these dividers with 10 MHz. A PD3 will divide by 1000 regardless of the input frequency; the output frequency is always 1000 times less than the input. The PIC clock operates from DC to 20 MHz.

Narrow pulse outputs

The following picDIV dividers output narrow pulses instead of a 50% square wave.

Connection diagram for PD7 (and PD3, PD4, PD5, PD6, PD8, PD9, PD10)

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
          input clock  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  output clock
                           *|3  07  6|*
                           o|4      5|o

Note: For PD3 through PD10, pin 3 and pin 6 are outputs along with pin 7. This can be useful if multiple outputs or higher current (parallel drive) is desired. On these chips, pin 4 and pin 5 are not used and may be be left open or tied to Vdd or Vss.

Synchronized dividers

The following 1PPS dividers have multiple output widths and 1PPS sync capability.

The narrow pulse is good for triggering time interval or frequency counters, and long enough for use with PC serial ports. The 10 ms pulse is convenient for blinking a LED.

These dividers also allow for 1PPS synchronization. If pin 4 (Arm) is held low for a second the divider stops and waits. The divider synchronizes to the rising edge of pin 5 (Sync). There is a weak pullup on the Sync pin. If you never plan to stop or sync the divider connect the Arm pin to Vdd, or simply connect the Arm pin to the Sync pin.

Connection diagram for PD11:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
      10 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  1PPS out (100 us)
     1PPS (10 ms) out  <----|3  11  6|---->  1 Hz out (50%)
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Connection diagram for PD12:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
       5 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  1PPS out (100 us)
     1PPS (10 ms) out  <----|3  12  6|---->  1 Hz out (50%)
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync
Observe that if all you need is the 100 µs output this is a 4-pin IC. If you want all three outputs it is a "6-pin IC". If you want synchronization it is a full "8-pin" IC.

Multiple output frequencies

Several dividers have been designed with multiple square wave frequency outputs, from 1 Hz to 10 kHz.

Connection diagram for PD13:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
      10 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  100 Hz out
             1 Hz out  <----|3  13  6|---->  10 Hz out
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Connection diagram for PD14:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
       5 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  100 Hz out
             1 Hz out  <----|3  14  6|---->  10 Hz out
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Connection diagram for PD15:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
      10 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  10 kHz out
             1 Hz out  <----|3  15  6|---->  1 kHz out
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Multiple input frequencies

Most frequency references today are 10 MHz, but it is not rare to find 1.0 MHz, 2.5 MHz, or 5.0 MHz. Several divider chips have been designed to accomodate this set of frequencies.

Connection diagram for PD16:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
    5/10 MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|---->  1000 Hz out
             1 Hz out  <----|3  16  6|---->  100 Hz out
               Select  o--->|4      5|---->  10 Hz out

Connection diagram for PD17:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
       N MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|<+---  ConfigA
    1PPS (100 ms) out  <----|3  17  6|<+---  ConfigB
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Connection diagram for PD18:

             5V (Vdd)  +++++|1      8|=====  Ground (Vss)
       N MHz clock in  ---->|2  pD  7|<+---  ConfigA
     1PPS (10 ms) out  <----|3  18  6|<+---  ConfigB
                  Arm  o--->|4      5|<+---  Sync

Interface notes


The relativity kids have grown up a bit since you last saw them in 2005. It's time for them to learn what work is. I've assigned them the task of taking orders, burning firmware, making labels, testing, packaging and shipping. The cost is minimal:

Source Code

The kids are happy to make and deliver these chips for you. But if you have the equipment and want to burn your own, then click on the hex files or source code links given below. Or maybe you just want to learn how the dividers work; to see how simple it is to use microcontroller assembly language to implement digital frequency division.

If you have requests for special features, let me know.

See LeapSecond.com PIC project page.
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Comments/questions to tvb.